CrowleyCom - Testimonials

CrowleyCom - Testimonials

"I've brought in CrowleyCom to work with several of my clients and have found that, whether you are preparing for a crisis or in the middle of one, their media training experience is an invaluable asset.

The CrowleyCom team's ability to quickly grasp important issues and trends, and its knowledge of how the media thinks, prepares you for any line of questioning from the press. CrowleyCom puts you through one of the most rigorous training sessions I have ever seen. The integrity and depth of research they come to a session with is extraordinary.

A session with CrowleyCom is so specifically targeted to your concerns that you will come away from the experience wondering how they could possibly know as much as they did about your business. CrowleyCom trains you to communicate with authority and integrity under the most pressured situations."

Jerry Swerling


Swerling Associates

"Ginger is amazing. A riveting presenter, an insightful professional and a great person, she is on top of her game. I've worked with executive trainers, but nobody comes close. Of all the professionals and executives I've worked with, Ginger is on my A-list. She is fantastic!"

Brian Teeter

(former) Marketing Director

Enclarity, Inc.

"CrowleyCom provides a very unique way of helping speaker/spokespeople train for their event. Whether you are training for a press interview or a presentation. CrowleyCom provides the focus needed to get you to tell the story you want to tell."

Donna LaVoie


LaVoie Strategic Communications

“Ginger did all of our media training for Nissan executives.  She was able to prepare our executives, planners and engineers to deliver better presentations.  She coached complete rookies who had likely never spoken in front of a large audience to speak with confidence.  Highly recommended.”

Dean Case

Communications Officer

MazdaSpeed Motorsports

(previously with Nissan)

"Before CrowleyCom began working with our company, as Vice President and Officer of a NYSE company, I did not look forward to the prospect of being videotaped, critiqued and coached by a communications consultant; but Ginger Crowley and her team not only relieved the dread, they in fact filled our sessions with humor, insight and a marked improvement in our management team's presentations from Wall Street to the Board Room.

Working with each individual's personality and style, CrowleyCom's team brought out the best in everyone, from our technology leaders (a certain kind of challenge) to our CFO and CEO (another equally demanding challenge.) Given their skills as excellent listeners as well as outstanding communications coaches, I would particularly recommend the CrowleyCom team in these difficult economic times, when clear, confident communications are more critical than ever."

Sarah Lucas

Associate Director of Admissions Office

Harvard Business School

(former VP Chief Strategic Officer, GenRad)

"As a resource center focused on helping entrepreneurs transform great ideas into great companies with lasting value, Al Shugart International (ASI) bases its reputation and credibility on the people and companies with whom we partner. I can't think of many organizations that come close to CrowleyCom's exceptionally high standards of quality and integrity. The CrowleyCom staff is well-researched, knowledgeable in virtually every industry, terrific with clients, and their credentials are impeccable.

CrowleyCom has become an integral part of ASI's public relations organization. We continue to receive rave reviews from our clients, including requests from CEO's for refresher media training sessions with CrowleyCom."

Judy Plummer

Vice President Communications

Al Shugart International

"You did it! Took a couple of blobs of "cosmic dust" and almost made us into "stars."

Jean Peters, Board Member

Angel Capital Association


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CrowleyCom - Testimonials

"I've brought in CrowleyCom to work with several of my clients and have found that, whether you are preparing for a crisis or in the middle of one, their media training experience is an invaluable asset.

The CrowleyCom team's ability to quickly grasp important issues and trends, and its knowledge of how the media thinks, prepares you for any line of questioning from the press. CrowleyCom puts you through one of the most rigorous training sessions I have ever seen. The integrity and depth of research they come to a session with is extraordinary.

A session with CrowleyCom is so specifically targeted to your concerns that you will come away from the experience wondering how they could possibly know as much as they did about your business. CrowleyCom trains you to communicate with authority and integrity under the most pressured situations."

Jerry Swerling


Swerling Associates

"Ginger is amazing. A riveting presenter, an insightful professional and a great person, she is on top of her game. I've worked with executive trainers, but nobody comes close. Of all the professionals and executives I've worked with, Ginger is on my A-list. She is fantastic!"

Brian Teeter

(former) Marketing Director

Enclarity, Inc.

"CrowleyCom provides a very unique way of helping speaker/spokespeople train for their event. Whether you are training for a press interview or a presentation. CrowleyCom provides the focus needed to get you to tell the story you want to tell."

Donna LaVoie


LaVoie Strategic Communications

“Ginger did all of our media training for Nissan executives.  She was able to prepare our executives, planners and engineers to deliver better presentations.  She coached complete rookies who had likely never spoken in front of a large audience to speak with confidence.  Highly recommended.”

Dean Case

Communications Officer

MazdaSpeed Motorsports

(previously with Nissan)

"Before CrowleyCom began working with our company, as Vice President and Officer of a NYSE company, I did not look forward to the prospect of being videotaped, critiqued and coached by a communications consultant; but Ginger Crowley and her team not only relieved the dread, they in fact filled our sessions with humor, insight and a marked improvement in our management team's presentations from Wall Street to the Board Room.

Working with each individual's personality and style, CrowleyCom's team brought out the best in everyone, from our technology leaders (a certain kind of challenge) to our CFO and CEO (another equally demanding challenge.) Given their skills as excellent listeners as well as outstanding communications coaches, I would particularly recommend the CrowleyCom team in these difficult economic times, when clear, confident communications are more critical than ever."

Sarah Lucas

Associate Director of Admissions Office

Harvard Business School

(former VP Chief Strategic Officer, GenRad)

"As a resource center focused on helping entrepreneurs transform great ideas into great companies with lasting value, Al Shugart International (ASI) bases its reputation and credibility on the people and companies with whom we partner. I can't think of many organizations that come close to CrowleyCom's exceptionally high standards of quality and integrity. The CrowleyCom staff is well-researched, knowledgeable in virtually every industry, terrific with clients, and their credentials are impeccable.

CrowleyCom has become an integral part of ASI's public relations organization. We continue to receive rave reviews from our clients, including requests from CEO's for refresher media training sessions with CrowleyCom."

Judy Plummer

Vice President Communications

Al Shugart International

"You did it! Took a couple of blobs of "cosmic dust" and almost made us into "stars."

Jean Peters, Board Member

Angel Capital Association