The Speaker’s

Rainbow Rules of Audience Engagement

Rule #One Red: Personify intelligent passion.
Rule #2 Orange: Be creative, playful and joyous.
Rule #3 Yellow: Clarify. Illuminate.
Rule #4  Green: Balance fact with fun.
Rule #5 Blue: Practice focused relaxation.
Rule # 6 Indigo: Share droplets of wisdom.
Rule #7 Violet: Employ intuition.

The Seven Rainbow Rules  

To spot a rainbow...
You have to be in the right place
at the right time
with the right vision.

Much like delivering a speech...
a rainbow is the delicate combination of opposites
where rain meets sunshine.
 “There are rules to luck. Not everything is chance.
To the wise luck can be helped by skill.                      

-Balthasar Guarcian